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Unlock Provides Music for Trackmania Console Release!

Trackmania has arrived on your favorite platforms, and we’re proud to have composed and produced the captivating music for the game’s release trailer! After collaborating with Unlock’s music team on the original…

Writing Music for the World of Trackmania (3 of 3)

No Invites to this Party daft harmony merciless variation process Sometimes it seems like everything falls into place in large sweeping moments, and sometimes it seems like you are constantly making small…

Writing Music for the World of Trackmania (2 of 3)

This is the second article in a trilogy about writing the music for Trackmania and what I remember most about each track and the composition process. Be sure to check out the soundtrack! Paradigm deadmau5…

Writing Music for the World of Trackmania (1 of 3)

The Trackmania series has had a slew of fantastic composers and artists at the music helm – and they were picking Unlock to have a go at it?! Below is how our…

Rallying for Remixes—An Unsung Hero of Game Adaptability and Endurance

As developers ponder ways to expand the creative scope and lifespan of their games, many audio-based opportunities sit quietly within reach—no reinvention or massive overhaul needed. One such opportunity is through musical…